Executive Protection Training: 5 Easy Tips

Posted 04 Mar 2010

Executive protection training is usually for elite security teams protecting high value individuals like executives, diplomats and pop stars.  Why would you need to know anything about what they do?   By now, you have made sure that your home address is harder to find than the home address of Osama. 

You have successfully separated your public life as an executive, teacher, or superhero lawyer, but even if you get a ride home from Superman, there is still one problem.  What if someone follows you home?   You can go to an expensive executive protection training course, or get the most easily applicable techniques to avoid being followed home here.

Executive Protection Training Tip #1: Be Aware

A private investigator, rabid fan, or insane client or patient might be waiting to follow you home.  Be aware of people who might be lingering.  Also, pay close attention to who is in your rear view mirror when driving home.  If you see the same car or driver on a few occasions, they may be trying to follow you.

You may also want to look for any reflective stickers on the back of your car.  pursuers will often put them there to help them tail you at night.    A more difficult device to spot, and very commonly used by private investigators, is a GPS device that can be made at home and attaches to your car to track you. 

They are usually small black boxes attached to some metal portion of your car with magnets.  Even if you aren't a mechanic, one of these devices attached to the undercarriage of your car will probably look like it doesn't belong there.  Take it off and toss it in a bush to avoid private investigators and stalkers.

Executive Protection Training Tip #2: Make Pursuit Tough To Plan

When going to or from work, take a different path every time.  If you take the same path every time, someone can easily map out your route without even using a car to follow you.  They can simply lay in wait and monitor where you are coming from and going to, getting closer to your home every time. 

Taking a different path can seriously disrupt this kind of monitoring.  Also, try to arrive and leave at different times.  Increasing the time period that they have to wait increases the likelihood that they will be caught not paying attention, letting you slip by unnoticed.

Executive Protection Plan - Coyote

Executive Protection Training Tip #3: I Think I Am Being Followed, What Do I Do?

First, do not head towards your home, start heading in another direction.  You can test to see if they are following you by pulling over to the side of the road for a minute and seeing what they do.  Do this right after you make a turn so they don't have time to prepare for it. 

You can also approach an intersection regulated by a traffic light slowly to make sure that you are the last car that can legally pass through the intersection and see if anyone follows you through illegally.  Make sudden u-turns and unexpected quick turns and see if anyone follows you.  Unless someone is in the back seat of your car with a hook for a hand, I doubt anyone following you is there to help.

Executive Protection Training Tip #4: I Know I Am Being Followed, What Do I Do?

You can call the police and report the suspicious vehicle, or just drive to the police station or fire station and honk the horn for help.    You can also get some distance between your pursuer and you by taking a corner line like a race car.  Approach the turn very slowly and as wide as possible (follow the green line).  Make the turn slowly, aiming for the apex of the turn to be as late in the turn as possible. 

This means that you will be closest to the curb at the very end of the turn.  Once you are at the apex, slam on the gas and whip out of the turn very fast.  This should put some distance between you and your pursuer without alerting them before hand.  Make other quick turns afterward and keep taking these kinds of corners to eventually lose the person.

Executive Protection Training - Turn

Executive Protection training tip #5: I Am Too Worried About Being Followed
Home To Leave The House

May I suggest a body double?


Make sure you are obeying traffic laws so that you don't unnecessarily endanger bystanders.  If you are really serious about learning some more advanced techniques, check out a full course. 

Practicing these simple precautions, in addition to keeping your home address private, out of transactional databases and reading and following the principles in the book How To Vanish can keep you safe.