Restraining Orders Protect You and Your Privacy

Posted 12 Apr 2015

In Cape Fear, Robert Mitchum (or Robert DeNiro, depending on which Robert you prefer) are just creepy enough to be threatening, but not enough to be convicted of a crime. One reason why privacy is important is because it provides safety and security from would-be creepers like Robert.

The law is usually a last resort to protecting privacy, so if you have already been annoyed, harassed or threatened by specific individuals (they don't have to be named Robert), you may rely on restraining orders to protect your privacy.

Restraining Orders Protect Privacy - When All Else Fails

Stalking, harassment and threats are illegal but proof beyond a reasonable doubt can come too long after the threat is imminent. Restraining orders protect victims who are in imminent danger of harm but who don't have enough evidence of a crime to get a conviction. The burden of proof for a restraining order is lower than for conviction of a crime and can prevent unwanted harassment, stalking, or threats.

Restraining orders can prevent an unwanted creeper from getting within a certain distance of your home or work, or from your children's school. They can prevent unwanted phone calls, email messages or any other contact, in person or electronic. Like any legal process, they can be abused, but they can be essential to protecting your safety and privacy.

Every state has different procedures, requirements a standards for getting restraining orders. If you feel annoyed, harassed, or threatened, there is no reason not to use the legal means available to protect yourself and your family.

  If Mark Zuckerburg, Ryan Gosling and countless other celebrities have used restraining orders to protect their privacy, why can't you? Contact a lawyer for more details on how you can get a restraining order to protect your privacy. Check out How To Vanish for more ways to protect your privacy.